Canadian Couple Found Guilty Of Beating To Death 6-Year-Old Girl, Could Face Up To 25 Years In Prison

A Canadian couple was found guilty of the 2011 fatal beating of 6-year-old Meika Jordan who suffered blunt force trauma to her head and abdomen area, according to CTV News.

On November 14, 2011, Meika was rushed to Alberta Children’s Hospital after suffering blunt force trauma to the head and abdomen. She later died of her injuries, and her father, Spencer Jordan, 29, and stepmother, Marie Magoon, 25 – both of Calgary – were charged with her murder.

However, before the child was taken to a hospital, she was tortured for four days by her father and stepmother. It wasn’t until she went into full cardiac arrest that they sought out medical attention. Spencer later admitted to physically abusing her stepdaughter, but had no idea she was being recorded. She stated as follows.

“I know I spanked her. I know that I pushed her on Saturday – pushed her really hard. She hit her head really hard. I know I punched her Sunday morning. I punched her really hard, I didn’t hold back.”

“No medical attention was ever entertained until Meika was in complete cardiac arrest and respiratory failure, meaning death was inevitable unless she was immediately resuscitated,” said Justice Rosemary Nation.

“This is clearly reckless as to whether death ensued by both Mr. Jordan and Ms. Magoon.”

After a five-week trial, 12 jurors found Spencer and Magoon guilty of second-degree murder on Wednesday.

Although Meika’s mother and stepfather were elated that they will be serving time for the death of their daughter, but they weren’t too pleased with the second-degree verdict, according to Toronto Sun.

“It’s not what we were hoping for, we pushed for first-degree from the beginning,” said Brian.

“We will be there to push and…to make sure that they spend every minute behind bars that they possibly can.”

“As long as it came down to a guilty verdict, we get our justice for her and that’s what we’ve been striving for the last almost four years now,” said Kyla.

“We’re not going to let them ever forget about this.”

Although a second-degree murder sentence includes a minimum of 10 years in prison, Magoon could get a lighter sentenced if her psychiatric test confirms that she is mentally incompetent.

Magoon is currently awaiting a psychiatric assessment.

The couple will be appearing in court September 8 for sentencing.

[Images courtesy of Pool/Getty Images]

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