Amaze her with this great Valentine’s Day evening courtesy of Rube Goldberg [Video]

Ah Valentine’s Day, the second greatest marketing achievement of mankind and the one single day of the year, surpassing even Christmas, when a man is socially forced into selling his soul for a few baubles to give to his loved one of the minute.

Call me a pessimist is you want but the idea of going into hock to buy some pretty ring, necklace, or a dozen long stem roses is just silly, not to mention being an inordinately expensive way to get lucky one night of the year.

However, this Rube Goldberg offering from David Dvir and Kevin Luc is just all kinds of fun and should get you some major brownie points for your incredible talent, and humor.

If that fails I guess you can always fall back on the dozen long stem roses.

via BuzzFeed

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