Secret weapon to stop pot smoking teens from invading the woods – pig manure

Yes, pot smoking and drinking teens are the newest scourge of our society because they seem to think that they can go where ever they want and pollute the space with pot smoke and empty bottle with no sense of recourse for those of us that are looking for a nice place to wander.

It is even worse when that place is a nice and quiet bit of forest but the council of Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough in England have hit upon a rather unique solution.

Pig manure.

Yup, that’s right folks they have rescued the woodlands from those marauding bands of rotten kids by spreading a liberal layer of pig manure in the woods themselves.

A spokesman for Middlesbrough Council said: “Following complaints, an inspection of the area revealed it was being used to drink alcohol and take drugs, as paraphernalia known as ‘bongs’ were found.

“The Neighbourhood Safety Team commissioned the Area Care Service to cut back trees and thinned out the area to make it clearly visible from a footpath. The area care staff also provided and spread the pig manure.”

via Darlington and Stocton Times

Now I’ve lived near pig farms in my youth and I gotta say I’m not sure I would be so enthusiastic over having to smell that acrid tear inducing odor – especially on a hot summer day.

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