Entry Level Federal Employee Positions Receive Huge Jump In Pay

As nearly every city, town and township in the United States continues to cut from their budgets to make way for a sluggish economy federal works continue to make big bucks, in many cases earning upwards of 25% more than they did just five years earlier.

As an example of skyrocketing federal worker wages USA Today points to Federal lawyers who have watched the starting salary for a 30-34-year old worker jump from $79,177 five years ago to $101,045.

It’s not just post-graduate job seekers however that are making more money, a 20 to 24-year-old government mechanic is now making $46,427 compared to $36,750 five years prior.

The study also found that 22-percent of federal workers now make at least $100,000 per year, up by 12% since the same survey was polled in 2006.

Because of increased salaries government positions now tend to have very little turnover, in fact since 2007 people quitting their jobs has declined by 29% while only 11% of workers have chosen retirement. The feds have also managed to cut disability departures by 11% and early retirement by two-thirds.

In responding to questions about the pay raises government officials say the pay is higher because workers are generally asked to perform more work with few staff members on the payroll.

The analysis also discovered that while new higher wages are up, federal paychecks were growing at their slowest pace in 10 years, leaving may Federal workers with similar wages from year-to-year. Regardless even with the slower federal pay increases workers are still faring better than their private, state and local government counterparts who in many cases have seen paychecks lowered during our slowed economic cycle.

Do you think the Federal government should continue to increase federal worker entry position pay when so many people would be willing to accept those jobs just so they have work in the first place?

[Image via ShutterStock.com]

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