Mariah Carey Butchering Her Classics: Is Nick Cannon Affecting Her Vocal Prowess?

Mariah Carey disappointed Japan with her less than stellar performance last week in Tokyo. The first stop of her Elusive Chanteuse World Tour failed to impress Japanese fans, all of whom have been waiting for months to get a glimpse of the singer. Her classics didn’t save her all-flash, no-substance concert. Fans were dismayed to watch Mariah butcher the best songs of her career, including “Always Be My Baby” and “We Belong Together.”

A recent report by the Inquisitr revealed that a couple of videos showing Carey’s unflattering performances have made their rounds on the internet, shocking U.S. fans and critics alike. There is one three-minute video where Mariah Carey performs “Always Be My Baby” like a buzzed-out X-Factor contestant, singing shakily onstage while back-up vocals compensate for her reportedly terrible performance. But hey, at least Mariah didn’t use auto-tune, so let’s give her that.

So what’s the deal, Mariah Carey? We know you haven’t lost your angelic singing voice, so what gives? People on Twitter and Facebook — although harsh on their critiques — believe you still got the skills of a singing legend lying underneath the disappointment that was your recent Tokyo concert. Why was your Japan performance short of what local fans expected?

Some netizens think that it may have something to do with Carey’s current marital troubles with Nick Cannon. Remember that Mariah will be coming home to a massive load of divorce drama after she concludes her tour in New Zealand later this year. Fans speculate that Mariah Carey’s unimpressive performance may have partially been a result of all the issues she is facing in America, where her relationship troubles with the actor have been the center of many a headlines in the past few months.

Although we can’t truly be sure if the stress with dealing with Cannon has actually affected Mariah’s voice, the fact that she is leaving Japan with a smile serves as a comforting image to more loyal supporters, who continue to stay behind the singer despite the wave of haters on social media. According to the Daily Mail, Carey was spotted happily waving to the media as she left the country via the Narita International Airport, where she will be boarding a plane to lovely Seoul in South Korea.

Korean admirers can only hope that Carey’s Seoul concert wouldn’t be as bad as what she left in Japan. Despite her Tokyo performance receiving mixed reviews, Asian fans are optimistic that Mariah Carey will be able to deliver a night worthy of a singing star.

[Image from Scott Kinmartin/Flickr]

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