In Desperate Need Of A Cuddle? A New App Can Help You Without Being Creepy About It

The world is becoming a desolate place with people alienating from each other. Though we crave physical and emotional intimacy, our busy lives prevent us from sharing a few moments in close company of a person. Attempting to address the problem of securing momentary physical intimacy, a new app has been launched, suggestively named Cuddlr.

Thanks to mobile apps like Tinder and Grindr, finding a quick and easy way to be intimate with a stranger is a click away. However, if you do not seek carnal pleasure but would only like to snag a few moments in the warm embrace of a person, then the Cuddlr app might be perfect for you.

According to its website, Cuddlr is a location-based social-meeting app for cuddling. Using the app, you can find people nearby who are cuddle curious.

Working much like other social GPS-based apps, Cuddlr finds people who want a hug within walking distance and shows their name and picture, reported The State Press. Created by Charlie Williams, the app encourages users to hug any age or gender, regardless of whether you find them attractive or not, and provides “gentle, no-pressure intimacy.”

Users can request a cuddle from a specific person within the app, or respond to someone else’s request by tapping on the user’s photo. When users mutually decide to have a cuddle, the app also gives walking directions to each other, so they can meet up and, you know, hug or cuddle. Explaining the need and concept, Cuddlr’s developer said,

“It’s a way of finding people near you who are up for a cuddle, without any pressure or expectation. Our culture doesn’t have a space for closeness without pressure. The way we talk about meeting and sharing space and contact with someone assumes that it’s centered explicitly around sex and dating.”

What makes the Cuddlr app relatively safe and fun to use is that its user interface allows people to offer a feedback about those whom they have hugged, reported The Tech Times. If the cuddle was fun and relaxing, the users can give each other, a ‘thumbs-up’. However, if you find the cuddle a bit too intense or sexual, you can report the user. The app also allows the users to take ‘Cuddle Selfies’.

Speaking about the app’s safety features, the website states,

“We ban anyone who is consistently using it improperly. We don’t share your location until you’ve indicated that you do actually want to cuddle this person, and you can block anyone if you don’t want them to even see you on the app.”

Currently the app requires you to be over the age of 17 and is available only for iPhone users.

[Image Credit | Tech Times, Cuddlr]

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