Puppy killed by Wii remote then revived by family

Man oh man I wouldn’t want to be the one responsible for being careless with the Wii remote and killing the family puppy – that would really suck. Such is the case though in Marquette Michigan where Ozzy a five-month-old miniature Sheltie who got smacked with one of the Wii remotes. Kathy White the owner of Ozzy said that they had just gotten the Wii for Christmas and were playing a bowling game on it. Apparently the puppy got all excited watching them play and jumped up at the same time as she moved the remote and connected with the puppy’s temple. Bad luck in that this hit to the temple is what killed Ozzy instantly

Her first instinct was to call her neighbor, Pene Honey, for help.

“I was brushing my teeth and my husband handed me the phone,” said Honey, “and I put it to my face and it was Kathy and she was screaming that she killed Ozzy and to come over right now.”

Honey says she picked up the lifeless dog and felt for a pulse.

“I just waited to see if he would breath, and his heart was racing and racing and then it slowed and then just stopped, and that’s when I gave him a breath in his nose,” she said.

After four or five breaths, Honey says Ozzy coughed and woke up.

White then rushed him to the vet, where she found out he had severe brain swelling and was in cardiac arrest. After a couple weeks of recovery, White says he’s almost back to normal.

Source: WIS TV

Additional video on the station website

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