Common Core Standards Showing Up In The Most Unlikely Classes

Remember back in the day when teachers told everyone they needed to know reading, writing, and arithmetic? To this day, the three “R’s” are still important but they now go underneath a new moniker: common core. Here on The Inquisitr, we reported numerous times on common core. Apparently, most of our articles go against common core because of the many conspiracies surrounding it. Such articles includes how common core data mines children to fit them in where they are needed for the companies and the government and how it is also turning children gay.

Nevertheless, common core is here and now reports are coming in that it is being taught in the most unlikely classes where someone wouldn’t expect common core to be taught: physical education.

According to an article by Helena Independent Record, Montana’s physical education teachers are preparing to implement common core into their classes. At this year’s Montana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference, held at Helena High School on Monday and Tuesday, they explained the goal of supporting an promoting the work of coaches and “physical educators”.

Linda Paull, the past president of the conference, was initially afraid of the prospects of Common Core two years ago. Now, she is all for it after meeting with keynote speaker, Martha James-Haasen. Because of this reassurance, Paull now feels it is necessary to share it to Montana educators. Still, some people, such as Michael Alberts, P.E. teacher at Broadwater, and Jim Darcy, P.E. teacher of Helena, said Common Core won’t change much for him or other elementary school teachers as in the following statement:

“There’ll be a little bit (of change), but right now, most teachers at the elementary level have gotten together and we’re basically doing Common Core already.”

Common Core is now being implemented into physical education in the Montana education system.. This was revealed at a recent meeting with other physical educators.

In another article by The Blaze, it reports the origins of Common Core along with why it was implemented into physical education. Originally, Common Core was developed by the Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. Initially, it was applied to just English and math standards. However, it has expanded its reach to other subjects such as social studies and science. Montana so happens to be the first state to apply it to physical education.

Why would Common Core be implemented into physical education in the first place? SPARK, a public health research arm of San Diego State University Foundation focused on fighting childhood obesity by having it implemented in the first place.

As of now, 44 states and the capitol have implemented Common Core. The other states are still debating its implication, while three states – Indiana, Oklahoma, and South Carolina – have repealed Common Core altogether.

What do you think about Common Core? Do you think it is necessary to have it in our schools to helps our education system? Should it be implemented in physical education to combat childhood obesity? Finally for all the skeptics, do you think Common Core is a means to place our children in specific roles in society because they have certain skills or attributes? Let us know in the comments below.

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