20 Of The Most Pathetic Marriage Proposals You’ll Ever See [Photos]

While there is no one right way to pop the question to that special someone, the majority of the population can do better than these pathetic marriage proposals.

Some people possess the traits of creativity and romance that produce some pretty incredible marriage proposals, while others just can’t quite get it right.

Check out these 20 pathetic marriage proposals and let us know of any you’ve witnessed in the comments below.

1) Can’t go wrong here.

Marriage proposal fails

2) Something tells me these two are going to be buds. (Sorry, had to do it.)

Marriage proposal fails

3) Nothing says love like a large cheese pizza, am I right?

Marriage proposal fails

4) Something tells me that this is sadly pretty common proposal.

Marriage proposal fails

5) He could’ve at least went for a Chick-fil-a chicken sandwich here.

Marriage proposal fails

6) Another pizza, really?

Marriage proposal fails

7) I have no words.

Marriage proposal fails

8) Better hope they’re paying attention!

Marriage proposal fails

9) Who’s in charge of the organization here?

Marriage proposal fails

10) Is there an “I Guess” option?

Marriage proposal fails

11) Not really sure what to say here, but I guess they needed a new garage door anyway.

Marriage proposal fails

12) Welp, probably not quite what the dad had in mind.

Marriage proposal fails

13) Uhh, you do know that you have a packet of hot sauce in there, right?

Marriage proposal fails

14) It’s the thought that counts.

Marriage proposal fails

15) This just got real.

Marriage proposal fails

16) What if she says no???

Marriage proposal fails

17) Not much creativity going on here.

Marriage proposal fails

18) I can appreciate the effort, but at a Walmart?

Marriage proposal fails

19) Merry Me.

Marriage proposal fails

20) Not sure if this falls under vandalism or a proposal.

Marriage proposal fails

[H/T eBaums]

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