Quiet Game Gone Wrong: Teacher Allegedly Tapes the Mouths Of Five Students Shut In Class

Every teacher has moments when they wish their students would just be quiet. Noise definitely isn’t an unusual characteristic in a classroom.

However, one teacher refused to put up with it and made a gratuitous effort to make sure the noise levels ceased in her classroom. Unfortunately, she may have gone a bit too far with her disciplinary actions.

According to Star Ledger, a substitute teacher has reportedly been removed from the list of substitute teachers in New Jersey. The decision was made because of her unconventional “quiet game.” She was reportedly substituting at the Winfield Scott Elementary School in Elizabeth, New Jersey, when she allegedly taped the mouths of five students.

Several parents and school officials stated that the teacher, whose name has not been released, taped the mouths of five students. One student, Angelique Correa Henderson, recounted the May 30th incident and expressed that she felt “pressured and scared” during the game. “She [the teacher] said that if we kept on talking she would rip it off of our mouths,” the little girl said. “My heart kept on beating fast.”

A few parents expressed their disapproval of the teacher’s actions, as well. “I don’t understand what she was thinking,” said the little girl’s father, Munford Henderson. “We’re talking about kids. You’re sworn to protect and teach, not to hurt them and put them in fear. Who would do something like this and why? There are other methods to get kids to be quiet.”

Donald Goncalves, district’s assistant board secretary, released a statement in regards to the incident and the severity of the teacher’s actions. “We consider this serious as we took the teacher out of the classroom and she will no longer be working for us,” Goncalves wrote in an e-mailed statement.

No legal actions have been taken toward the teacher as of yet. Do you feel her actions were justifiable or extreme?

[Image via Bing]

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