Luke Brown: 18-Year-Old Calls Bomb Threat To Burger King To Get His Brother Out Of Work

Luke Brown wanted to help get his brother out of working a shift at Burger King, but the 18-year-old British youth picked a terrible way to do it.

Brown called the Castle Mall Food Court in March claiming he had a bomb that would explode in six hours. Police evacuated the area and searched for the bomb, but found nothing.

It didn’t take police long to find Luke Brown, who was at a phone booth. This week he was sentenced to spend six months in jail for the ill-advised attempt to get his brother out of work.

Luke Brown claimed that his brother had pleaded for help in getting off his shift at Burger King, asking Luke to call the police and come up with some kind of excuse.

Although there was never any actual danger for the Burger King diners, Judge Stephen Holt said he didn’t look at the situation lightly.

“People must learn that you cannot send out bomb hoaxes because, if you do, you will end up in prison,” Holt said during sentencing.

Luke Brown is not the only one to make a bomb threat for a crazy reason. A recent bomb threat at Quinnipiac University was traced to a former student who was afraid to tell her parents that she had dropped out of school.

In May, police arrested Danielle Shay and charged her with making the threats. Shay would later tell police that she had taken thousands of dollars from her parents to attend the university, then panicked when they traveled to watch her graduation ceremony. Shay even went so far as to purchase a cap and gown.

When the time came for the ceremony, Shay called police to tell them a bomb was on campus. She later called again to say there were several bombs on campus, observing that police had not “cleared out graduation” and adding, “that’s not a good idea.”

But police traced the calls and found they had come from Danielle’s cell phone. The would-be graduate later apologized, saying she tried to register for classes, but was stopped by a delinquent account. She tried to rectify the problem without telling her mother, but was unable to get into classes for the spring semester.

In the UK, Luke Brown will be spending the next six months in a youth offender facility. When he gets out, he can tell his brother to find his own way out of work from now on.

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