Las Vegas Puppy Abandoned On Video: Adorable Graci Has Dozens Of Hopeful Adopters

A Las Vegas woman is sifting through hundreds of e-mails, looking to find the best possible home for Graci, a six-month old, extremely adorable Labrador mix who was abandoned in front of her home by someone in an SUV earlier this month. The whole, disturbing incident was captured in a heartbreaking home security video. When the video went viral, Toni Luisi was deluged with e-mail from people offering to take Graci in.

The video was taken at about 5:30 in the morning on May 4 and shows a silver SUV pulling up in front of Luisi’s driveway. The heartless occupants of the SUV are not visible in the somewhat grainy video, nor is their vehicle’s license plate.

But confused little Graci can be seen clearly. As the SUV stops, someone inside casts the helpless puppy out into the street. The SUV then pulls away, and in the most touching moment of the video, Graci trots after the SUV, with no idea that she will never see her previous family again.

Luckily for Gracie, Toni Luisi was letting her own two pooches out to play at almost exactly that moment. She saw Graci wandering around, not knowing what had happened to her or what to do.

“Graci seemed like she was saying, ‘Please, give me another chance!'” said Luisi. “I just can’t believe somebody could do that.”

After a trip to the vet, Luisi found out that the puppy was about six months old, but had no microchip implanted under her skin to help trace her back to her owners. And of course, she was abandoned without a collar. But apart from being confused and sad, Graci was in good shape, weighing in at 38 pounds.

That’s when Luisi gave her a new name, Graci, short for “grace of God.”

She then created a special e-mail address, which was immediately flooded with correspondence from dog lovers, many of them outraged at whoever was inside that SUV — but also making the case for adopting Graci.

“With all of the people emailing, it’s not going to be easy to choose a new home for her. But one of the emails was from a woman who said her son is a cancer survivor and he would love Graci as his pet. It brought tears to my eyes. I’m going to call her,” Luisi said. “That got my heart.”

Abandoning a dog is a misdemeanor crime in Las Vegas. If the occupants of the SUV are located, they could be slapped with a $1,000 fine.

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