Dick Cheney: Benghazi Is ‘A Major Issue’ For Hillary Clinton

Dick Cheney went on Fox News Sunday and criticized how foreign relations have been handled under the Obama administration, according to a report from Fox News.

One of the major issues Dick Cheney addressed was how the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya was handled. Cheney said former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “clearly bears responsibility for whatever the State Department did or didn’t do with respect to that crisis.”

“She was Secretary of State at the time it happened – she was one of the first in Washington to know about it,” Cheney said.

Four American diplomats, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, were killed during the attack. Dick Cheney predicts that the tragedy will be a “major issue” for Clinton, who is considered the frontrunner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.

Hillary Clinton before the House committee

“I don’t think we’ve heard the last of it yet,” Cheney added.

House Speaker John Boehner recently selected a committee – chaired by South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy – to investigate the events that took place prior to the attack and after it. According to CBS News, this attack is the “primary strike against a potential Clinton campaign.”

Dick Cheney’s wife, Lynne, accompanied him on the show and had to clarify a comment she made earlier this month about Monica Lewinsky’s essay in Vanity Fair. During an interview with Fox News‘ Laura Ingraham, Mrs. Cheney said that Lewinsky’s tell-all might be “the Clintons’ maneuver to get the story out of the way.”

“Would Vanity Fair publish anything about Monica Lewinsky that Hillary didn’t want in Vanity Fair?” Cheney questioned.

But on Fox News Sunday, Mrs. Cheney said she was “paying the Clintons a large compliment.”

“I was saying how clever they are, politically,” Cheney added. “It seemed to me if you had something that might come up during the campaign that would be damaging, it was very smart to get it out of the way early.”

She then told host Chris Wallace that was her opinion, and she’s “staying with it.”

Before the interview wrapped, Dick Cheney noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin sees Obama as a “weak president.”

“[Obama has] demonstrated repeatedly, I think, that he in fact can be pushed around, if you will, by Putin,” Cheney said.

As for the 2016 presidential hopefuls in the Republican party, Dick Cheney said Jeb Bush is “a good guy [and] a good governor,” and he also mentioned that he likes Chris Christie.

“I have not committed to anyone and will not for some time,” Cheney mentioned.

But there was one potential candidate about whom Dick Cheney had some things to say. That was Senator Rand Paul.

“He’s obviously not familiar with facts,” Cheney said.

Fox News reports that Paul accused Cheney of using the September 11, 2001 attacks as “an excuse to invade Iraq and benefit his former company, Halliburton.”

[Image via Reagan Plus Cats]

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