Free Slurpee Day is Today, 7-11

Today is July 11th, or 7-11 in convenience store parlance.

As is the yearly tradition, 7-11 locations in Canada and the US are giving away free small Slurpees to celebrate their 84th birthday. The special promotional size Slurpees weigh in at 7.11 ounces, and each 7-11 customer is entitled to one if they so desire.

Interestingly, according to USA Today, Slurpee sales were up 38% last year on Free Slurpee Day, as well as sales on other, pricier items:

That’s right: Folks bought more Slurpees, even though they could grab as many free tiny ones as they wanted… But many folks seem to be so enamored of the word “free” that they’ll spend whatever it takes to cash in. In many cases, customers will spend more on gasoline just to get to 7-Eleven and wait in line for a free Slurpee than the estimated $1 retail value of the corn-syrup-laden drink that has virtually no nutritional value.

Do you plan on attending Free Slurpee Day?

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