Best ‘Talent’ of ’13 [VIDEOs]

Thanks to the Internet fame is cheap, really really cheap. Actually, more like no thanks to the internet! But, there are some things that we need to be grateful for and one of them is Simon Cowell because he has made sure that we all get to find out about the hidden away talents, voices and skills that just a few years ago we never, ever, would have found out about.

In honour of shows like The X Factor, America’s Got Talent, and all the other countries apparently also have it, we’ve made a little shortlist of some of the most outstanding, breathtaking auditions and performances on these shows that blew our minds away this year.

First of all is my personal favourite, from Holland’s Got Talent, we broke the news about her back a few months ago on The Inquisitr, and Amira Willighagen, a quaint little 8 year old absolutely mesmerises the audience and 12 million youtube viewers with her pitch perfect astounding operatic voice. Enjoy.

Off to the United Kingdom for an 11 year old girl that Simon Cowell called ‘Super human!’. Watch Arixsandra Libantino and decide for yourself.

Next, and just frankly weird, is Special Head, can you work out how he does it?

And we’ll finish off with the ridiculously talented and ludicrously flexible Kenichi Ebina with his awesome dance, that you could just watch again and again. And maybe that’s why he’s got 22 million hits on youtube.

So what was your favorite audition of 2013, or for that matter what was your favorite video?

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