Millington Naval Base Shooting Injures Two Soldiers

The US Navy has confirmed that two people, both soldiers, were injured during a Millington Naval Base shooting. The incident, just north of Memphis, occurred on Thursday afternoon.

The shooting occurred on Navy property which is being leased to the National Guard. The property is used to manage personnel records.

A lockdown was issued at Millington Naval Base the moment the incident occurred and eventually a suspect was taken into custody. The man responsible for the shooting was arrested at approximately 6:10 GMT.

According to reports the incident occurred following an argument between three soldiers. One of the men opened fire, hitting another solider in the leg and the other in the foot. The men were rushed to a local hospital and Navy officials listed them in non-critical condition.

The Associated Press reports that a Navy recruiter relieved of his duty earlier that day was taken into custody. The identity of the arrested suspect has not been revealed at this time. An investigation into the incident is still ongoing.

According to Memphis’ WREG-TV, the shooter was fired, left for a short period of time, and then returned with a gun.

Naval Support Activity Mid-South has more than 7,500 military, civilian and contract personnel working on the base. Much of its operations surround human resources operations. The Millingong Naval Base houses the Navy Personnel Command, Navy Recruiting Command, the Navy Manpower Analysis Center and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Finance Center.

Following the shooting there was not access to the base but several Twitter users posted photos from outside of the compound:

More details to follow when they are made available.

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