Caelynn Miller-Keyes Opens Up About ‘Bachelor’ Elimination As Show Fans React

Monday night on The Bachelor, Colton Underwood shocked a lot of unspoiled viewers by eliminating Caelynn Miller-Keyes. A lot of fans had pegged Caelynn as a solid frontrunner and were stunned to see her bidding Colton farewell. In the wake of her elimination, Miller-Keyes is opening up on Instagram about the experience and her fans are buzzing about the situation.

As The Inquisitr had previously detailed, Bachelor spoilers from gossip king Reality Steve had already revealed that Caelynn would be eliminated after the hometown dates. Indeed, that’s exactly what happened, but not everybody saw it coming, including Miller-Keyes herself.

It was a brutal goodbye on screen during Monday’s episode, but Caelynn has had several months now to reflect on everything. Monday night, Miller-Keyes shared a lengthy post via her Instagram page and had nothing but good things to say about her Bachelor experience.

Of course, there has been buzz since before the Bachelor premiere even aired that perhaps Caelynn would go on to be the next Bachelorette lead. Now that Miller-Keyes has been eliminated, that buzz will surely escalate.

Early spoilers from the taping of the “Women Tell All” special that took place a few days ago hint that Caelynn was highlighted quite a bit during the taping. Not only that, but most would say she’s got a great backstory for becoming the next lead.

On the other hand, some Bachelor fans have felt as if Caelynn hasn’t necessarily been getting the “Bachelorette lead” type of edit. It will definitely be interesting to see how she is portrayed in the “WTA” that is set to air on Tuesday, March 5. Miller-Keyes isn’t the only contender to be chosen to hand out roses this spring, but her fans are certainly hoping she’ll get the gig.

The Bachelor contestant has nearly 500,000 followers on Instagram and her post about her elimination garnered nearly 150,000 likes in just over 12 hours. Caelynn’s sentiments also snagged 6,000 comments that contained lots of support for Miller-Keyes.

A common refrain within the comments was to root for Caelynn to be the next Bachelorette and many said that Colton was a fool for eliminating her. There were a lot of similar posts across Twitter after people saw Monday’s Bachelor episode, too. Interestingly, numerous viewers voiced shock that Underwood would give a rose to Cassie Randolph over Miller-Keyes.

ABC has not made an official decision about the next Bachelorette lead yet, but the chances are good that it’ll come during the upcoming Bachelor finale airing on Tuesday, March 12. Should Caelynn Miller-Keyes get the gig? Fans are also buzzing about Hannah Brown or one of the remaining ladies being chosen, so it’ll be interesting to see which direction ABC heads with this one.

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