Villains, Time Period, And Two Eyes For Nick Fury Confirmed In ‘Captain Marvel’ Comic-Con Panel

It’s been information overload at this year’s Comic-Con in San Diego. There were new trailers for Thor: Ragnarok and Justice League, as well as shocking casting announcements for Ant-Man and the Wasp (ahem, Michelle Pfeiffer). Black Panther also debuted a clip that left fans standing in applause. But no news has been more shocking than the bomb that was dropped at the Captain Marvel panel: Nick Fury will have two eyes in the film!

Fans learned several weeks ago that Samuel L. Jackson will indeed be returning as Nick Fury in Marvel’s first female standalone film. Studio president Kevin Feige let the crowd know Nick would have two eyes in Captain Marvel, which Collider reports is set to take place in the 1990s. It appears fans will see what transpired to cause Nick to lose his eye — something that’s never been mentioned in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Other than Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain Marvel (real name Carol Danvers) will be the first MCU film set in the past. The superheroine flick will parallel the route the DCEU chose in executing Wonder Woman’s character.

We will see Danvers debut in 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War before her standalone follows in 2019. This was the same route DC took for Wonder Woman, who we first met in Batman V Superman. A year later, Wonder Woman had a standalone film set in the past. Hopefully, Captain Marvel can mirror the success of its predecessor.

[Image by Marvel Studios]

The Comic-Con crowd also learned the villain would be none other than the Skrulls. This particular alien race is quite notorious across Marvel comics and is often at war with the Kree (who fans should remember from Guardians of the Galaxy). The Skrulls are a humanoid race with shapeshifting abilities from the Andromeda Galaxy.

IGN noticed right away that the Skrulls are generally associated with the Fantastic Four— which is owned by 20th Century Fox. Anyone familiar with Marvel films knows different studios own different characters, all the way down to the Skrulls. After doing some digging, IGN discovered Fox only owns specific Skrulls, while the group as a whole is co-owned with the MCU.

Captain Marvel will be played by Oscar winner Brie Larson and is set to premiere on March 8, 2019.

[Featured Image by Marvel Studios]

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