“Date Check” and “Just Don’t Wife Her” digitize mistrust between sexes

Website JustDontWifeHer.com and iPhone app “Date Check” are in the news this week, two technologies designed to let you know before you fall for a “player” or a “gold digger.”

The former is a site devoted to putting women on blast for liking a man more for his paycheck than his personality, as indicated in the mission statement on justdontwifeher.com:

Helping good guys by exposing Gold Diggers, Cheaters and Users One at a Time! Has a girl done you, or someone you know, wrong? Now you have a chance to tell others how you feel about it. Share your story and warn others about a “Don’t Wife Her”

The site ponders issues such as unreasonable divorce settlements, un-wifely behavior and men warn men of women (specific women) to avoid.

The latter, Date Check, is more focused on stereotypical female concerns, rating dates on with categories Sleaze Detector, Compatibility, Net Worth, Living Situation and Interests. And the app is comprehensive:

Unfortunately for those who live at home, the Living Situation view will pull data from social sites like MySpace, Facebook, and Flickr to determine if you live alone, have roommates, or bunk at your parents’ pad. Basically, if there’s a public record of any bad behavior, whether social or criminal, your potential dates will know within seconds of looking you up.

While both technologies may prove useful if you have a history of falling hard for the wrong person, I can’t help but wonder if a relationship wherein parties utilizing services like this are already doomed. If your date passes the “Date Check” test, will you still wonder if they might be married and just not on Facebook? Or if you’re inclined to see women as “gold diggers” or “wifey material”, will justdontwifeher.com merely confirm your suspicions about the motivations women have in general?

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