Chemtrails Debunked In University Of California Study

The chemtrail theory, which suggests aircraft are releasing chemicals into the atmosphere, was reportedly debunked by a climate scientist with the University of California, Irving. In his study, which was published in Environmental Research Letters, Steven J. Davis concluded there is simply no evidence to prove “the existence of a secret large-scale atmospheric program.”

Contrails are visible trails of condensation left in the wake of aircraft. Although conspiracy theorists admit ordinary contrails, which mainly consist of ice crystals and water droplets, are relatively harmless, they believe many contrails are purposefully impregnated with dangerous chemicals.

As explained by Chemtrails911, conspiracy theorists believe contrails quickly dissipate when the aircraft passes by. Chemtrails, however, “linger for hours and will spread out to form large areas of ‘cloud’ cover.”

Although conspiracy theorists agree chemtrails contain harmful substances, which are purposefully spread using aircraft, there are several different theories explaining why the chemicals are released into the atmosphere.

One theory suggests the chemicals are used for geoengineering, which is defined by Geoengineering Watch as “the artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems… ”

The use of chemicals as a form of “sunscreen” was initially mentioned in a 1992 Congressional study titled Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming. The method was also suggested by H-Bomb creator Edward Teller in a 1997 report titled Global Warming and Ice Ages.

In fact, numerous sources have suggested releasing chemicals and other substances into the atmosphere to reduce global warming. However, there is no conclusive evidence that the method is currently being used. Nor is there any conclusive evidence proving chemtrails are caused by any form of geoengineering.

Another theory suggests the chemicals in chemtrails are being used as some form of “space weaponry.” Essentially, conspiracy theorists believe the chemicals are being used “to modify the weather and cause rain or drought” to thwart enemy troops.

Although conspiracy theorists are convinced chemtrails exist, and that they pose a very serious threat to public health, a University of California, Irving study strongly suggests otherwise.

As part of his research, climate scientist Steven J. Davis conducted an international survey to determine what percent of the population believes “the existence of a secret large-scale atmospheric program (SLAP)to be true or partly true.”

Davis concluded nearly 17 percent of those surveyed believe the SLAP and chemtrails exist in some form. As there were few studies exploring the theories, Davis conducted his own research into the existence of chemtrails and the SLAP.

After consulting with numerous atmospheric deposition experts and contrail experts, Steven J. Davis concluded there is no evidence to suggest the SLAP exists. He also concluded there is no evidence to suggest contrails contain any dangerous chemicals.

The experts explained altitude, humidity, the concentration of ice crystals, the type of aircraft, and the aircraft’s fuel efficiency, can all influence contrails. The experts all agreed that these factors can increase the durability of a contrail, cause interruptions along the length of a contrail, and influence the color and shape of the contrail.

Davis also asked the experts to collect samples of rain and snow and to submit the samples to independent labs for chemical analysis. As none of the samples contained enough contaminants to support the existence of the SLAP or chemtrails in general, the experts suggested the collection methods used by conspiracy theorists may be flawed.

In conclusion, Steven J. Davis admitted, “Changes in aircraft technologies may be causing contrails to persist longer than they used to, and changes in industrial development could potentially be increasing aerosol deposition in some areas.” However, neither he nor the experts he consulted, could find any evidence that chemtrails or the SLAP exist.

[Image via Anilah/Shutterstock]

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