‘I Don’t Hate You Bristol’: Emotional Text Messages Between Bristol Palin And Dakota Meyer Surface As Visitation Details Revealed

Bristol Palin’s former fiancé and Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer has agreed to a limited visitation schedule with his daughter Sailor. Meyer has been battling for visitation rights of his daughter Sailor since her birth in December. However, before custody could be discussed, Bristol’s lawyers ordered that a paternity test must be complete. With paternity results concluding Meyer was the father of Sailor with “99.9957 percent certainty,” the Medal of Honor recipient requested an emergency custody motion asking a judge to immediately rule on a temporary custody agreement. However, Bristol would not agree to the extended visitations that Meyer requested as she said it would interfere with her breastfeeding schedule. As a result, the pair began a bitter custody battle. In the middle of the custody dispute, however, the pair kept in contact sharing a series of emotional texts in which Bristol tells Dakota she wants him in Sailor’s life, even offering to meet Dakota somewhere else so he could see their daughter.

The Daily Mail first reported on the emotional text messages between Dakota Meyer and Bristol Palin. The text messages were sent as the couple was in the middle of a custody dispute over their daughter Sailor. In the text messages, Dakota messages Bristol to say good morning to his daughter Sailor and the pair exchange formalities. However, Bristol then requests that Dakota “come see her soon.”

“Come see her soon, I know you are busy, but I’d even meet you somewhere. She changes so much everyday, I don’t want you to miss anything.”

Bristol Palin then sends a photo of Sailor to Dakota who responds that he doesn’t want to miss anything either and that being busy will never keep him from his daughter. However, he notes the problems the pair have had in custody by stating “hopefully everything gets worked out soon and I can be in her life.” In response, Palin says that nothing on her end is holding him back and that she just wants what is best for Sailor and that includes having her father in her life.

“There’s nothing on my end holding you back Dakota. I want you (and your family) to be in her life as much as possible. It’s not about us, and I don’t care if you hate me, put it aside and put her first. She grows everyday and everyday I literally just think about how much you’re missing by not seeing her, so realize I’m not bs’ing you and want you to be a part of her life, from the bottom of my heart I do.”

Meyer tells Palin that he doesn’t hate her but that his hands are tied legally because he “has no right to a child that is mine.” It seems that following the heartfelt exchange, the pair worked together to come up with a visitation plan that took into consideration Bristol’s desire to continue to exclusively breastfeed Sailor. According to People Magazine, Meyer originally requested to see Sailor for four consecutive days from March 19 to March 22. However, Bristol would not agree to the arrangement because she noted it would mess up Sailor’s breastfeeding schedule which she was adamant about maintaining.

“Ms. Palin is currently breastfeeding their two-month old daughter and plans to continue doing so until she is at least a year old. It is in Sailor’s best interest that breastfeeding continue and that Mr. Meyer’s visitation be fashioned so that he may begin bonding with Sailor without disrupting her breastfeeding schedule.”

Therefore, it was agreed that Meyer could visit Sailor every two weeks beginning on March 18. During that time he will be allowed to see the baby for three hours at a time with breastfeeding breaks with Bristol in between. The agreement comes on the heels of the end of another custody dispute involving Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston, the father of her first child Tripp. After seven years of custody battle and Levi spending an alleged $100,000 in lawyer fees, custody was granted and Palin and Johnston are officially co-parenting with specified visitation rights granted in the case.

[Image via Instagram/ Bristol Palin]

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