UFO Sightings Highlighted By CIA In Documents That Will Wow Believers and Skeptics Alike

This past week, the CIA itself put up a post on its official blog in which it highlighted several of what it believes to be the most stirring UFO sighting files of all time. There were ten files highlighted in total, all profiling incidents that occurred between 1949 and 1953.

In their post, the CIA divide the ten UFO files into two groups: five documents that will appeal more to UFO believers and five that will probably appeal more to UFO skeptics. The first group seem to indicate that yes, UFOs really were responsible for the sighting. The latter group more strongly indicate a mistake was made or someone was being untruthful when reporting the incident.

“We’ve decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting,” the post reads.

And the documents are indeed interesting.

The “pro-UFO” group of files includes several eerily convincing reports of UFO sightings, as well as a government summary of known UFO reports in which it admits that some of the reports are “unexplained,” and a copy of the minutes from a government meeting in which the need for a UFO research committee was voiced. Keep in mind that these UFO files were kept classified for almost three decades before being made public, so it is very unlikely they are false.

UFO sighting documents released by the CIA: Just an X-Files promotion?
Ever since the roswell UFO incident in 1947, the nation has been rife with UFO believers. [Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images]
The “UFO skeptic” group of files contains several summaries of panels and several memorandums that all ask questions and make points exposing the flaws that are nearly always present in UFO sighting reports, as well. The documents also suggest that a nationwide program be enacted to debunk the belief in UFOs. Of course, a “UFO education” program like that was never actually undertaken, but the latter five documents just gave off the message that the CIA knows just as little as the general public about the existence of UFOs.

Along with the ten UFO documents, the CIA posted several perplexing photos from UFO sightings that have, to this day, not been explained.

UFO sighting documents released by the CIA: Just an X-Files promotion?
Photos released alongside the files. [Photo via CIA]
Although the ten UFO files are very thought-provoking and surprisingly persuasive, none of them contain what UFO enthusiasts might consider the holy grail: solid evidence either proving or disproving the existence of UFOs or extraterrestrial life. FOX News correspondent Trace Gallagher brought attention to this fact in an interview with the station.

“We should point out that there’s no evidence in any of these files that we have actually been visited by aliens from another planet. But having said that, there are some fascinating unexplained sightings.”


In their blog post, the CIA also related the unveiling of the UFO documents to the start of the new, long-awaited reboot of the X-Files TV show when introducing the UFO sighting files being highlighted.

“You will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity. We also pulled five documents we think his skeptical partner, Agent Dana Scully, could use to prove there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings.”

Some have commented that it is a bit strange that the CIA, a government agency, is blatantly publicizing X-Files, a a television program. But Stephen Basset, director of a pro-UFO organization called the Paradigm Research Group, theorized in an interview with The Mirror that the CIA might have a more selfish motive in posting the pictures and is only using the apparent celebration of X-Files‘ return as a distraction.

“The recent postings to the CIA website could well be strategic on the part of the agency. It appears the CIA used the revival of the X-Files franchise as a convenient time to remind the public the agency has, in fact, engaged the extraterrestrial presence issue in the past.”

UFO sighting documents released by the CIA: Just an X-Files promotion?
For over half a century, the CIA has been extremely active in the UFO issue. [Photo by Kurt Strumpf, AP Images]
Whether paid advertisement, PR move, or plain celebration, the UFO files and photos are certainly worth checking out here.

[Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images]

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