PA Gubernatorial, Like U.S. Midterm Elections, More Of The Same V. More Of Another Same?

It’s fair to say that with the past decade of elections, many voters have shifted allegiances and parties. Republicans to libertarians or tea party. Democrats to independents, or still commie-loving Democrats. Alright. Alright. Maybe they all do not worship at the socialist-progressive alter, but most do.

Before the lefties and Big Ds get their unmentionables in a twist, I have no love for the Republican party either. As aforementioned, not all Republicans have stayed with the giant elephant. By the way, what is with the elephant anyways? We know why the Democrats have a.. Well, let’s keep this PG.

In the Pennsylvania gubernatorial midterm election, it is Tom V. Tom. Tom Corbett “Tom” Has raised far fewer taxes than his predecessors, which I suppose isn’t a huge feat in “Taxsylvania”. He has cut taxes in Pennsylvania.

He has reversed a farcical rule that would suggest that if someone came into my home to harm my family and I, I’d have to run a way and get stabbed or shot in the back. I am speaking about Pennsylvania’s Castle Doctrine.

However just like any Republican, or Democrat for that matter, he has raised a tax. He has been against “fair and equal” elections in Pennsylvania. In fact, Pennsylvania Libertarian governor candidate Ken Krawchuk gave him the opportunity to support that bill, and stated he wouldn’t run if he did. He declined. Unfortunately, due to that same denial, Mr. Krawchuk might never make a serious bid this year. Then again, neither will anyone else.

He supports Common Core wholeheartedly, but I am sure Tom Wolf does too. Oddly enough, it was a Democratic initiative, and they say Corbett only follows party lines. In this case, it’d be better if he thought for himself.

He might just be the “lesser evil”, but is that really enough for Pennsylvania?

So, what about Tom wolf-in-sheep’s clothing “Tom”. Well, he is just that. He is an Obama-Democrat. Don’t believe me? He was just at event in Pennsylvania with the President, where he gestured his hands to point at Obama, and back at him. It is not hard figure out this gesture. Then again, if that is what you desire, you are set for the Pennsylvania midterm election.

Supposedly, He is a “fresh start” for Pennsylvania this midterm election season? He was part of the Rendell Administration in 2007. One their big praises for his time, before he resigned, was increased tax revenue, according to Newson6 reported.

“Expanded electronic filing to corporations in 2007 and small businesses in 2008; and — Increased delinquent tax collections to more than $900 million in 2007-08, a 59.6 percent increase in collections from the $564 million collected in 2002-03”

He does not like to mention his affiliation with former Pennsylvania governor Rendell. I wouldn’t either, if I wanted to be governor of Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth Foundation feels the same way.

Since 2003, the state’s total operating budget grew from $45 billion to $66 billion, while the General Fund Budget grew from $20 billion to $28 billion. While inflation was under 20 percent, spending in Harrisburg increased by 47 percent. This growth is unsustainable.

Wolf-in-sheep’s clothing is your status quo politician. Indeterminate and larger-than-life platitudes abound, but no substance. Empty, but certainly not cheap. Certainly not for Pennsylvania. Wolf’s version of hope and change is tax and spend.

Tax the gas companies, so when he gets elected, him and his pals in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania could claim to spend it on education in Pennsylvania. All of this while fattening their wallets and paying off the teachers unions who have heavily funded his Pennsylvania campaign. As if throwing more money at the problem gets the job done anyways.

Never mind that “impact fee” that goes directly to the community, and allows them control over the natural gas industry that Wolf-in-sheep’s clothing seems to want to plunder. That is just the Pennsylvania Gubernatorial, there is a whole country’s worth Midterm Elections to vote in.

Unlike the huge groundswell of grassroot efforts in 2010 elections, the 2012 elections saw the comeback of the establishment, or Big Rs. The Mitch McConnells, Lindsey Grahams, and John McCains to name a few of the “more of the same(s)”.

Then… there are the libertarians and tea party guys. Love or hate them, but they’re honest, and not bought and paid for. You have Sean Haugh in North Carolina, Betsy Summers in Pennsylvania, Ken Krawchuk in Pennsylvania, who was rolled over by the duopolies’ corrupt political machine. There is also David Brat, an interesting candidate who seems part Libertarian, part Republican running in Virginia.

So, in the end, it is up to you this election. The devil you know, is less scary than the devil you do not. Corbett and Wolf are not the devil, but neither are they inspiring, they just feel like more of the same. They are also not the only ones running in the midterm election though, but heck, you might at as well vote for a Big R or a big D, you’ve already paid for their elections anyways.

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