Elaborate Hoax Or Creepy Discovery? Man Finds Ominous Items In Hidden Crawlspace [PHOTOS]

Reddit user lmbrjack has recently garnered a lot of attention as he claims to have found what seems to be very ominous items in a hidden crawlspace at his new home.

The discovery that is downright creepy features a locked safe containing tapes, one with the words “NO,NO,NO,NO…” scribbled all over it. Along with the tapes is a note that reads, “SAVE YOURSELF.”

While the story itself is very intriguing, a lot of users are questioning the authenticity of the find and wondering whether the entire thing was fabricated by the man that made the discovery.

Lmbrjack posted a response to those insisting the entire find was a sham, saying:

“I admit it is weird, yes I am a little spooked to sleep in my own home even though I probably only found some home movies and a joke in a failed grow room. I just wanted to share what I would find in this weird place in my crawl space and I knew anything I posted would be scrutinized. If I found a crate of solid gold even it’d be yelled fake. I’m not anything but a 22 year old Illinois suburb dwelling guy who likes working with metal in his backyard forge, playing PC games and making music.”

The user has also said that he will be attempting to locate the necessary equipment to find out what is on the tapes and will be posting it to Reddit when he does.

Do you think this story is real or fake? See the photos below with lmbrjack’s captions and decide for yourself.

We were wondering what it was and assumed either a crawl space or a dumb waiter. There is a medicine cabinet in the corner of the room. It looks like the owners were wanting to complete cover this. We just moved in 2 weeks ago.
Carpeted path and lights. Strangely nice for a place used to service the hot water heater.
A carpeted area with a black painted door. The door is locked with a combination lock and has a brass latch with a hole for another lock. I’m starting to freak out. This is looking like someone wanted to keep something in and not out. I sniffed and didn’t smell any decay nor did I hear anything. I’m researching how to get this open, if I fail I’m calling a locksmith first thing in the morning. Until then I’m sleeping with the lights on.
The face of the door.
Black Sentry safe.
The walls, floor and ceiling are covered in soundproofing board and plastic tarp, all white. There are 3-4 outlets in the room with a small raised area the size of a single bed.
Heavy, brown beat up briefcase.
Old wooden box, jewelry box, envelopes with paper money of various countries and origins, 4 1 oz silver ingots.
Watches, tie clips, key, rings, bracelet. A lot of gold.
I feel like i am getting trolled.
This is the only non labeled one and it has no scrawled on it.
Labeled I ’94, II ’95, III ’95, IV ’95, V, and unlabeled.
Save yourself scrawled in… something black that drips? Paint or ink dip pen I’d guess.

[Images via Reddit User lmbrjack]

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