A simple trip to the grocery store has now turned Kamira Trent into a viral sensation. Trent was caught on film stepping in and defending two shoppers who were being harassed for speaking to each other in Spanish, becoming something of a hero after the video was posted to Facebook, AOL reports.
Trent said in an interview with BuzzFeed that she decided to get involved when she heard another shopper saying to the two Spanish speakers, “You’re in America. You’re in my country. You can’t speak Spanish here. You need to speak English if you’re going to be in America.”
When Trent looked to see what the commotion was at City Market in Rifle, Colorado, she went to the aisle at realized that the verbal abuse was being directed at Fabiola Velasquez and Isabel Marin — who are both from Mexico.
Trent found herself unable to stand aside and watch what was happening. Instead, she got involved and made it clear that the woman directing the abuse was not going to continue with her actions.
“Get out of here, now!” screamed Trent as she threatened to call the cops on the woman. “You leave these women alone! Get out! Go!”
The woman turned her abuse on Trent, pointing a finger at her and yelling, “You come from a generation that’s destroying this country.”
Trent wasn’t going to back down from this woman and responded, “No, I do not. I have respect, and it does not matter. You don’t harass people like this.”
While the woman begins to back off from any confrontation with Trent at this point, the verbal abuse continues.
“You know what? You will lose this country. Yes, you will,” screamed the woman as she walked away. Trent follows her closely behind.
Speaking to BuzzFeed, Trent explained that the original reason for her approach wasn’t to get into any verbal altercation with the woman, originally intending to calm the situation down. However, she was left with no choice when the woman became abusive with her.
“She just got angrier and angrier,” said Trent. “I was trying to get her away from the two women, but she wasn’t going to leave them alone. What she said and the way she said it was wrong.”
The two women that were originally targeted, Velasquez and Marin, appear to be frozen in shock during the clip as they watch the argument unfold in front of them. Speaking to BuzzFeed, they said that they were caught completely off-guard when the woman interrupted their Spanish conversation. The woman asked them if they were living in the United States and if they enjoyed it. When they replied that they did. The woman began to launch into her tirade about speaking English while putting her hand in their faces.