Donald Trump just got his latest comparison, and it just might be the most outrageous one yet.
During the Holocaust, a young Jewish girl named Anne Frank wrote her story of the struggles that her people suffered under Nazi Germany. Her diary details how they were tortured and treated as inferior beings.
Her diary revealed the inhumane genocide of the Jewish people, and records state that about six million Jews died at the time.
Today, while Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump throws racist comments here and there and promises new immigration policies for the United States when he becomes president, an old woman thinks she’s already seen this behavior in the past.
Eva Schloss, 86, Anne Frank’s stepsister, said that Trump, 69, is “ acting like Hitler ” by making racist remarks.
Anne Frank’s stepsister: Donald Trump is “acting like another Hitler”
— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) January 28, 2016
In an interview with Newsweek in commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day, Schloss said that Donald Trump being elected as president of the United States would be a “complete disaster.”
Ms. Schloss’s mother, Fritzi, married the father of Anne after the Holocaust, which was brought about by extreme racism towards the Jews.
She said that if only more countries had accepted Jewish immigrants fleeing Europe and the countries surrounding Nazi Germany, more Jews would have been saved.
Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss spoke to prisoners, and warned of the parallels of the current #refugee crisis.
— Anne Frank Trust (@AnneFrankTrust) January 24, 2016
In fact, Schloss said that even after her family had assimilated into the Netherlands as “European Jews,” people still did not treat them well.
She recounted the feeling she had while living there: “They treated us as if we had come from the moon. Schloss added that she was saddened that she was not treated like an ordinary person.
The Schlosses and the Franks reportedly met in Amsterdam, where they hid from the Nazis. Unfortunately, they were found and sent to concentration camps, where the massacres took place.
Young Eva, who is now living in London with her family, was fortunately freed from Auschwitz in 1945, although Anne did not share the same fate, as she died of typhoid a few weeks before Allied forces reached her camp.
#Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss tells me:” #refugeecrisis is history repeating itself”. #shoa
— Hannah McGrath (@Hannah_McGrath) January 27, 2016
Even before the Holocaust began, Eva said that Anne’s father, Otto Frank, had already been preparing documents to migrate to the United States.
However, the United States denied Frank’s applications in 1940.
“He tried everything to save his family from the Holocaust… but his request was rejected,” Ms. Schloss said. “America didn’t want to take any more refugees.”
Meanwhile, she commends modern Germany, which is among the few countries that has accepted millions of immigrants from war-torn countries such as Iraq and Syria due to terrorist attacks by ISIS.
America accepts just 70,000 refugees a year; a fraction of Germany. Balitmore wants more
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) November 2, 2015
After comparing Adolf Hitler to Donald Trump, Eva even went ahead and said that the battle against Nazi Germany and Hitler was actually easier because everyone fought against it.
But sadly, that is not the case today.
In December, the billionaire and presidential candidate called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States. Obviously, a lot of people were not happy.
Now Trending: Eva Schloss, Holocaust survivor and Anne Frank’s stepsister, on @realDonaldTrump ‘s “racist” campaign
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) January 28, 2016
Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter said that Trump is taking a page from the “playbook of Hitler.” In addition, he said that Trump’s comments are instilling fear in the hearts of migrants that has not been seen since the 1930s and 1940s.
Aside from changing immigration policies , Donald Trump has also called Mexican immigrants rapists and drug dealers, insulted the Chinese, and verbally attacked women.
He also stated that he will build a wall along the Mexican border just to keep them out.
Schloss remembered when the Berlin wall was built.
“I remember how upset the world was when the Berlin Wall was erected in 1961,” she said.
Unfortunately, people have still not learned the lesson, and countries are building those walls back to keep people out.
[Images via Wikimedia Commons ; Steve Pope, Getty Images]