A UFO sighting on December 29, 2016, in the city of Davenport, Washington, was one of three witnesses to report a light in the sky at approximately 9:30 p.m. that left her, in her own words, “rattled.” According to her report to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), the witness was viewing a movie on her laptop when she saw a bright light in the sky outside of her living room window. She also noted that her living room window faces east.
There are two unique aspects to this UFO sighting. The first relates to the picture of the UFO that the witness’ daughter took with a cell phone, which NUFORC has made available. The witness states that the picture did not accurately reflect the sighting.
“I quickly got up from my seated position and alerted my daughters to the bright light in the sky. One of my daughters had her cell phone handy and I asked her to take a quick picture. She did take the picture, however, she had the flash on and the quality of the picture is not the best. The picture does not accurately reflect the bright red of this unknown thing in the sky.
“Upon inspection of the picture that my daughter took, I believe there were at least 3 unknown objects in the sky.”
Inspecting the photo, one can see where the flash bulb is reflected in the window of the house, and one can see the outline of the holiday lights on the house adjacent. Looking to the right of the flash reflection, there is clearly a bright light in the sky. Whether that is a UFO or a star is debatable until the investigation is complete. Undoubtedly, that investigation will focus on the exact location of the witness and a star chart for the night sky overhead.
It is not difficult to imagine this UFO sighting is a misidentification, if for no other reason than the image is unclear. That said, the witness is describing what NUFORC is classifying as an unknown shape for this sighting. Without a rough distance and altitude, the photographic evidence in the case is insufficient to be more specific with a classification. It should be noted that both the primary witness and her two daughters filed reports.
The second unique aspect of this sighting matches up neatly with the disappearing triangle UFO phenomenon. Among the common descriptions for triangle UFO sighting cases are that this type of UFO typically has three lights: one on each corner and a bright red light in the center of the UFO. Could this witness have been sighting a triangle UFO with none of the lights on the corners engaged?
At present, that answer is as viable as any other. Triangle UFO craft are frequently reported as “hovering” in many sighting reports. Also, the red light associated with fireball UFO craft is rarely inactive, almost always being mistaken first for a shooting star. If this was a triangle UFO sighting, it would fit neatly with the disappearing aspect of this story.
The primary witness in this case also states that the event rattled her as she is a skeptic. Some may argue that the sighting is a hoax, as no attempts were made to capture a photograph of the UFO outside after the first try failed with the flash reflection. The case would be strengthened with a clearer image.
But it is easy to second guess a witness seeing something bizarre. It is also important to remember that the witness was in a house with her two daughters at that time, and the witness only saw the UFO for three minutes. If one allows for the time needed to process something odd in the sky that is not behaving in a way one would expect, as well as time for the initial shock and wonder to wear off, the witness had an extremely short amount of time to make a record of the sighting. All of that sets aside the obvious intelligence of not leading one’s children outside on a cold night to snap a picture of who knows what going who knows where to do who knows what. That’s a low percentage play for a parent.
For now, all that can be done is to allow time for a thorough investigation. Hopefully, another witness can corroborate these details or clarify what the witness was observing in this UFO sighting. Until then, we have one “rattled” witness to a bizarre UFO that remains an enigma.
[Featured Image by John Moore/Getty Images]