Ugg boots, or ‘Uggs’ as they are fondly called by many, made fourth place on Google’s Black Friday top trending gifts list.
Surprised? We were at how the ugly fashion faux-pas boots even made it on the list. OK, so we know they’re comfortable and warm and cozy, but if you look up the word for the opposite of sexy in the dictionary, you’ll find Ugg boots.
Nevertheless, woman love them, and men buy them as gifts even though they retail for a massive $130-$700! The drop in temperatures is also a big factor here, as feet freeze in the winter weather.
As well as the classic Ugg boots styles being popular, people also searched for higher end Uggs. The Swarovski collection, which features boots laden with fine crystals, are also a very popular Black Friday item.
An analyst from Bloomberg Businessweek said: “We continue to believe the colder weather has helped spur Ugg sales, particularly as consumers replace older Uggs .”
Cyber Week Awards, a website which tracks the best products and deals during the holiday season, concurs with Google and even went one step further, claiming that Ugg boots were the most searched for item in the Woman’s Shopping category.
A press release from the Cyber Week Award site confirms that: “Uggs are an excellent choice for men to purchase as a gift for their wife or girlfriend.”
Whether you love them or hate them, Ugg boots are a force to be reckoned with . Even if you think they are aptly named (as they ARE ugly), you can’t deny how comfortable and tempting they are, especially for woman who usually have to stuff their feet into shoes with uncomfortable high heels.
What do you think of Ugg boots? Did you buy any this year for your girlfriend or wife or yourself? Do you think they are reasonably priced? Share your comments in the feed below.