Two large snakes were found electrocuted after they tried chewing through cable wires in an electric box. A pair of workers were shocked when they ventured in to repair an electricity box and found two dead snakes inside.
Yahoo News reports that the frightful discovery was made by workmen in the town of Morganton, North Carolina.
A photo of the snakes was posted on the local council’s Facebook page on April 4; it has amassed almost 4,000 likes. According to the report, one snake died from trying to chew through an electrical cable and the other was killed while biting its partner’s tail.
The two electrocuted snakes were found by the workmen when they went to disconnect the power at a house set to be demolished.

According to a message on the City of Morganton’s Facebook page, it is not uncommon for workers to find snakes but it is still unsettling to cross paths with them.
The post reads, “City of Morganton Electric Services Department Workers were in for a surprise last week when they went to disconnect power at a house on E. Parker Road. The house is scheduled to be demolished. When the City workers opened the electrical box, they were greeted by two dead snakes that had managed to climb into the box. One snake slithered across two hot terminals and was electrocuted; the second snake was biting the first and received the jolt as well. Electric Services Director Brooks Kirby said his guys come across fried snakes every two or three years, and that’s one time too many!” had an in-depth report on the incident.
Electric Services Director Brooks Kirby revealed that workers paid a visit to a house on E. Parker Road to completely unhook the power so the building could be demolished. It was then that the electricians found the two electrocuted snakes, a scene of horror with one giant snake seen biting through a cable and cannibal snake on its tail. It was as if everything was on freeze-frame.
“One crawled up in there and was electrocuted when it bit into a wire,” Kirby said. “You can see in the picture that the other one is biting its tail, so it was electrocuted, too.”
It is presumed that the snakes are Black snakes, which are not poisonous. The first snake measured about 3.5-feet-long and the other about 6.5-feet-long.
Kirby surmises that the snakes managed to slither their way through the box and up through a small opening last fall while searching for a place to den for the winter.
Kirby warns the public that snakes can maneuver their way into any small hole.
“The public needs to be aware that if they can get into an electrical box, they can crawl through any small hole,” he said.
Shocked City Workers Find Huge Snake Electrocuted While Trying to Eat Another Snake (Photo)
— IBrought2uNigeria (@IBrought2uNG) April 8, 2016
Kirby explains that electricians find snakes in cable boxes every couple of years. The reptiles evidently find these to be an ideal location to den up.
Kirby urges homeowners to ensure there are no holes in their outside electrical boxes and to check vent openings, including those running from clothes dryers and holes leading into crawl spaces under their home.
“Make sure all those places are sealed up,” he said. “Because this sort of thing isn’t that uncommon.”
The last thing a homeowner wants to encounter is snakes of any kind in their electrical boxes or anywhere else. In the case of the two electrocuted snakes, no one was harmed and they were dead by the time they were discovered.
[Image via Facebook ]