Over on Twitter, “Trayvon riots” are a constant, low-level topic dovetailing Zimmerman trial updates, as each “side” of the debate interprets the case’s twists and turns in their own way.
The issue of Trayvon riots are one, like many, rooted in our view of the case, its lead up, the key players, and the climate of the people taken to vocally support one side or the other.
Here’s what’s kind of interesting about all the Trayvon riots talk — despite a constant buzz about potential civil unrest should Zimmerman walk free in the shooting death of Martin, most of it seems to be coming from the right, a smug suggestion that violence and looting are the only way “suspect” segments of the population handle disappointment and frustration.
It should be noted that way before George Zimmerman’s arrest, when the situation was worse than acquittal, Rev. Al Sharpton angrily called for … restraint and a reasonable expectation that the law take its course, peacefully:
I think even though people are angry and as concerned as I am, we don’t feel like we have no options… Unlike [with] Rodney King, there’s defined leadership in Trayvon Martin’s case who have said from the beginning we cannot have violence.”
Rodney King , whose name is heavily associated with race and riots, also begged for calm as America watched the Zimmerman case pre-arrest. King later passed away.
All the fear of Trayvon riots is interesting contrasted with the same sort of talk that occurred in November, when many frustrated opponents of President Barack Obama fantasized about armed revolt, and a petition for Texas secession was briefly popular.
On Twitter, many of the mentions of rioting during the Zimmerman trial go back to a post on conspiracy-mongering website Prison Planet , and the site dug deep to find riot “threats” (many of which appear to be made in jest) by Martin family supporters.
The Inquisitr did our own search of Trayvon riots mentions on Twitter this morning, with an interesting result. The first page was fully George Zimmerman supporters, predicting “race riots” and looting should the defendant be acquitted. (Or, as Alex Jones’ site says, “found innocent.”)
The first results on Twitter of riot “threats” read:
To the members of the black community calling for riots and making death threats: What if Trayvon and George were BOTH black? #tcot #p2
— Rachel Veronica (@rachelveronica) July 10, 2013
Racist #ZimmermanZombies are praying for GZ’s acquittal so riots can start. Then they can move from trashing Trayvon to trashing all blacks! — Chidike Okeem (@VOICEOFCHID) July 9, 2013
#N19945 CANT HANDLEL THE TRUTH! Trayvon Supporters Threaten Riots,Looting if Zimmerman Acquitted http://t.co/Ze9MqIKkcK #Uncivilized #BLACKS — Cynthia (@Synders777) July 10, 2013
@darab_ic @andyflusa Chicago is asking for national guard for Trayvon riots. Can’t wait to see what Obama does when it hits the fan. — Perry (@Hankin57) July 10, 2013
Imagine if Trayvon was white and Zimmerman black… you think the communities would call for riots & death threats? UNLIKELY — Palmer (@Jonijam) July 10, 2013
I wonder if #Obama ‘s gonna riot too? After all, #Trayvon was his only son… #Zimmerman Verdict Riot Plan http://t.co/BDzI9hgckG #tcot #tgdn — Serr8d (@serr8d) July 10, 2013
Trayvon Supporters Threaten Riots, Looting if Zimmerman Acquitted – http://t.co/LqRHFiunPh — Mary Oehlerich (@mjoehlerich) July 5, 2013
Russian Troops To Enact Martial Law In America After Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin Riots? |They r training here an America http://t.co/HJ91JmmkG5
— ? Fátima ? (@backatone000) July 3, 2013
And without irony, one Trayvon riots tweeter says:
So to those calling for Riots after #Zimmerman acquittal, have any of you thought what happens if “crackers” all stand our ground? #trayvon
— Va. Skinny (@Rebel_Front) July 10, 2013
It seems, at its core, talk of Trayvon riots are more central to the thrust of the Zimmerman trial than it would seem — would we even be where we are now if much of gun-toting America didn’t have an expectation black America is dangerous and potentially violent?