On Sunday, May 26, Knowles posted an Instagram video of an interview with Vogue . In it, she spoke about some of her fondest experiences with Beyoncé , Solange, and Kelly Rowland, who is considered an honorary third daughter. Curiously, she revealed that Beyoncé had a troubled childhood due to her ‘shy’ nature. Tina told Vogue, “She was very shy, and she got bullied a bit.”
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However, she further added an incident when the ‘shy’ Beyoncé ‘stood up for someone’ when ‘she didn’t stand up for herself she stood up for them.’ Tina said, “I’m getting emotional talking about it. I was just, I couldn’t have been more proud of her.” Also, she reminisced about a day when Solange was “signing a petition in school.” She explained, “She was only in like fifth grade and she was out getting petitions signed. So she’s always been an activist.” She went on to sing Kelly Rowland’s praises; Rowland has been her daughter for a long time. The former member of Destiny’s Child lived with the Knowles family when she was a tween.
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Tina added, “Kelly was always this kid that just tried to protect everybody. I have a memory of her with her best friend Barbara and her being a mediator and just being this little peacemaker.” She wrote a moving caption along with the post, “My three girls all handled things very differently. Learn their personalities and respect the individuality. Never compare the negatives, always praise the positive differences and pay attention to the things that you can brag on about them. They love it and it encourages positive behavior.”
The comment section was filled with admirers who were amazed by Tina’s confession and her treatment of Kelly as her own. One fan wrote, “Kelly being her daughter too, I’m teary eyed.” Another fan commented on Beyonce ‘bullies’, “Imagine the people that bullied Beyonce watching her career….” One more user commented, “Can’t imagine losing a parent as we all go through it warms my heart knowing Kelly has you by her side!” Some fans were also impressed by Tina’s parenting skills as one added, “Caption details perfect ingredients that foster the growth of simply great human beings👌🏾And bottom line is, I think that’s basically what all parents want.” Another added, “You are a good observer and listener hence you have attained wisdom and it is all beautifully presented. You are the entire package Madame.”
Now Knowles is taking great pride in her role as a mother and grandmother, creating new memories with the children of her daughters. When she was on Today with Hoda and Jenna recently, she said, “It’s the best. With grandkids you don’t have the pressure of taking responsibility for how they get to turn out, so you get to just indulge them and let them have noisy toys that drive their parents crazy. It’s just the best. They are the best. My grandkids are all super creative and I just love them to death.”