Senator Ted Cruz has made his presidential wishes official, with Cruz’s speech streaming live on ABC News and other news outlets as of this writing, with Senator Ted reaching deep into the belief system that he says changed his life and included his parents’ belief in Christ. During the speech, Cruz related how his father and mother were drinking way too much alcohol when he was a young boy, and at one point, his dad decided he would leave the family — deserting his young son and wife. However, being invited to a Bible study changed Cruz’s father’s life, and convinced him to come back home and not leave Cruz to be raised by a single mother.
“I want to talk to you this morning about reigniting the promise of America.”
From lessons about Patrick Henry, to sweeping rhetoric that included Cruz encouraging believers to bring their beliefs to the voting booths, the speech caused Ted’s name to become a trending topic on Twitter, and the subject of much discussion, derision, and praise. Cruz challenged the audience to imagine a world with lots of job offers available for them upon graduating from Liberty University. And speaking of that Christian university, Cruz pointed to the lawsuit that the institute of higher learning filed immediately upon Obamacare going live.
“Give me liberty, or give me death.”
It was certainly a fiery speech, which found Cruz pointing to his pro-life values, the sacrament of marriage — and was bereft of any cute little 3-year-old girls asking him why the whole world was on fire, as reported by the Inquisitr .
“Today, roughly half of born-again Christians aren’t voting. They’re staying home. Imagine millions of people of faith coming to the polls and voting our values.”
From fear-mongering over privacy rights, emails and common core educational issues, Cruz touched on rights to bear arms and more.
“Imagine in 2017 a new president signing into legislation a new law repealing every word of Obamacare.”
Senator Ted’s talk about making tax laws a lot simpler and doing away with the IRS received tons of applause.
“Imagine a simple flat tax that lets every American fill out his or her taxes on a post card. Imagine abolishing the IRS.”
Overall, Sen. Cruz’s speech at the largest Christian college, as reported by Yahoo News ?, received rousing applause from the crowd when speaking about disallowing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons to defeating radical Islamic terrorism, which Cruz said will be called by its name.
“That is why today, I am announcing that I’m running for President of the United States.”
Cruz asked the Liberty crowd to break a rule, take out their phones and text “Imagine” Or “Constitution” to 33733.
[Image via ABC News ]