A new petition at Change.org has some fans arguing that Wonder Woman should be bisexual in upcoming DCEU films. The petition already has over 5,000 supporters in a few days, with a goal of 7,500 within reach.
Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) fell for Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) in this year’s Wonder Woman film, but some fans want to see a different love interest in upcoming movies. New York University campus GLAAD ambassador Gianna Collier-Pitts is at the petition’s helm arguing that the likelihood of Diana being bisexual is very high as seen throughout the comic’s history. The petition targets Warner Brothers specifically, asking them to have Diana represent millions of bisexual people across the globe.
Diana was brought to life and raised in Themyscira, a hidden society populated only by women known as the Amazons. While it is a fictional society, it’s fair to assume that somewhere in Themyscira, women were having relationships with one another. Wonder Woman: Rebirth writer Greg Rucka has even confirmed that Diana has had relationships with women.
Even Gal Gadot has stated Diana’s bisexuality is definitely a possibility. When speaking to Variety , the actress backed Rucka’s confirmation of Diana’s sexuality.
“She’s a woman who loves people for who they are. She can be bisexual. She loves people for their hearts.”
While Warner Brothers has yet to comment on the petition, Comicbook.com made a strong point on why Diana’s sexuality might not change or be discussed in upcoming films. Wonder Woman earned over $90 million in China alone, accounting for almost 11 percent of the films total gross. If Diana explores a relationship with a woman in the future, there’s a strong chance China will ban the movie and Warner Bros. will be losing out on beaucoups of money.
Wonder Woman was already banned in several countries across the Middle East for Gadot’s support of the Israeli army as a former soldier. While those markets didn’t necessarily put a dent in the movie’s gross, if China pulled out of a future film, the results would be disastrous.
The Wonder Woman sequel is set to hit theaters on December 13, 2019.
Do you support the movement to make Wonder Woman bisexual? Sound off in the comments below.
[Featured Image by Warner Brothers]