Billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson is vowing to “double” his donations to the GOP after a stunning loss in the 2012 election. Adelson spent about $150 million during the most recent elections, most of which was on Republicans who didn’t win.
Despite the massive amount of money he lost in the elections, the casino mogul has assured everyone that he is not discouraged, reports The Huffington Post . Adelson stated:
“I happen to be in a unique business where winning and losing is the basis of the entire business. So I don’t cry when I lose. There’s always a new hand coming up.”
Adelsons donations during the latest campaign season were twice what he spent in 2008, making his promise to double down on the next season’s donations believable. In his first extensive post election interview, the casino mogul asserted, “I’ll spend that much and more. Let’s cut any ambiguity.”
Politico notes that Sheldon Adelson did directly back one candidate who son 00 Senator Dean Heller (R-NV), though the eight others — including Mitt Romney — lost. Several GOP governors who are thought to be gearing up for a potential 2016 presidential run have stopped by Adelson’s Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas recently to visit with the man that could be a major campaign backer, should they gain his support.
Sheldon Adelson’s statements as of late have led several people to question his status as a Republican donor. In particular, he had an interview recently in which he claimed that he is essentially “a social liberal,” because he supports abortion rights and the Dream Act.
Do you think that Sheldon Adelson should double his donations to the GOP next campaign season?