Firetrucks are positioned all through out Los Angeles. Special hotlines are being opened. Police are on high alert. Since Friday there have been more than twenty fires that have been set all around North Hollywood, and they all seem to be related.
Police are looking for any clues as to who is setting the fires, some of which have spread to nearby homes and apartments. Luckily, no one has been injured yet in the fires.
Police are currently offering a reward of $35,000 for any information leading to the arrest of the arsonist, who has the entire city on edge. Police are currently pouring through thousands of leads and reviewing thousands of video camera tapes to help determine who could be responsible.
Local residents are trying to make sense of the fires and trying to figure out if there is anyway they can protect their own vehicles . Some resident who observed the burning cars said it looked like the arsonist was looking for cars that were parked close together so as to cause maximum damage to surrounding cars.
Police are not as yet willing to concede that it is just one serial arsonist. There are some theories that this could be a group or even a series of copycats.
The only announcement that police have made is that they are interested in talking to a man who drives a mid 1990’s Lexus, but offered to further details or descriptions.
Police have not yet gotten an estimate for the monetary value of the fires.