A a minivan dragged by a truck had a family of four inside stuck for a 16-mile ride. Up North Live reports from Michigan that four people inside a mini-van got the scare of their lives, when they were lodged underneath a huge truck on the highway. Nothing could make a driver feel more out-of-control than that. The four-passenger vehicle was driving northbound on I-75 from Flint Airport Wednesday morning on their way to Roscommon just after 2 a.m.
Due to low visibility in the snow, the Menz family’s minivan rammed into the rear-end of a truck trailer.
The truck’s driver had no idea that a vehicle was stuck underneath his truck, dragging them 16 miles while the family felt completely “helpless,” as Matt Menz says.
“He apparently didn’t know that we were there and before we knew it, he ended up dragging us 16 miles. I was on the phone with 9-1-1 for the whole time. It’s a hopeless feeling, helpless feeling. Out of control, you’re just along for the ride.”
According to ABC News , the caller’s conversation with the 911 dispatcher was “tense.”
“It was snow blinding. We ran into the back of a semi-truck and he’s not stopping and our car is embedded underneath of it. Our windshields have completely shattered. I can’t see nothing. I just want to get off the back of this thing.”
Matt’s oldest son has pervasive development disorder, and everyone in the car tried consoling him the entire time, telling him that it would all be okay. When the airbags ejected, Jennifer Menz says it smelled like they were all going to catch on fire.
Crawford County Deputies were called in to help as the semi-truck dragged the mini-van. They were spotted going through Grayling. Sheriff Randy Stevenson says it was a call they “had not heard of before.” They’ve dealt with vehicles in this situation before, but not where the car and semi-truck were attached. If no one was able to phone out for help, at some point the van would have detached from the semi-trailer; Stevenson says “who knows where the van would’ve ended up at that point.” Luckily, everyone was okay by the time the harrowing ride was finished. Deputies were able to stop the semi safely, according to the report.
The Menz family was taken to Grayling Mercy Hospital and reportedly only suffered minor injuries.
Deputies warn that drivers need to slow down in severe weather conditions. Theminivan being dragged by a semi-truck in this story turned out alright, but it could have easily turned out much differently.
[Photo Credit: Up North Live ]