A 22-year-old man who wished to have a larger member didn’t go to a doctor. He placed his trust in a 38-year-old bartender with no medical training at all who told him she could medically enhance the size of his penis at home. But the procedure went terribly wrong – instead of penile enhancement, the man lost his life. According to NJ Essex, Kasia Rivera was sentenced on Monday to five years in state prison for performing a fatal penis enlargement procedure in 2011. Her attorney, Olubukola Adetula, said she has “accepted responsibity for her actions” and wanted to “move on with the rest of her life.” However, the fact that a man lost his life due to her illegal procedure will make that difficult until she pays her debt to society for his death.
Essex County Assistant Prosecutor William Neafsey said that her wish to move on with her life is irrelevant, because “We still have a man who as died.” He explained the magnitude of her actions.
“A man died because of her recklessness, she had no business sticking needles into anyone, specifically sticking a needle into a man’s penis.”
Justin Street, 22-years-old, was of East Orange, New Jersey, where Kasia Rivera was working in 2011. She told him she could enhance the size of his penis with silicone , as previously reported by the Inquisitr . Unfortunately, having had no medical training nor proper equipment to do so, she performed an illegal procedure that ultimately led to the man’s death. Using silicone that was not even medical-grade, she injected an unknown amount into his penis with a syringe and needle. What transpired immediately after is not clear, but the silicone did not stay in Street’s penis; it went into his bloodstream, a condition called an embolism, which caused an interruption of blood flow to his organs, and he died the next day as a direct result of the silicone injection.
Rivera has also allegedly injected silicone into a woman’s buttocks before, but that woman survived and charges were dropped. She was charged with manslaughter and was sentenced to five years in prison for Streets’ death, in which she will be credited for the eight months she has already served. However, her first trial ended when the jury was dismissed after it was revealed that several jurors had been bribed $5,000 each to find her not guilty. Authorities state that “several men” were involved in the bribery, and Rivera was neither charged nor able to be indicated in the attempted bribery. Instead, a new jury was appointed. Until that point, she had been out on bail, but was returned to jail after that illicit bribery attempt. She has also been considered for deportation , according to CBS New York . At the very least, she will serve the next four years for the man’s death. Although her intent was not to kill him, prosecutors claim, her extreme negligence and endangerment of his life showed she had little concern for the man’s well being.
Silicone is not a common source of embolism, but has been indicated before in malpractice suits. Illegal injection of silicone enhancement of breasts and buttocks are the most common areas that are affected and rarely end in death, though have frequently been indicated in infection and deformity. The black-market “cosmetic surgery” has now evolved into penile injection, which is particularly dangerous because of the large number of blood vessels and vascular nature of the penis. It’s much more likely that the bloodstream will pick up the silicone and begin to move, eventually lodging in the heart, lungs or brain, resulting in organ failure and death.
[Photo by Patti Saphone]