A Family Feud fail circulating on Facebook is one for the ages — and one poor woman’s game show choke is getting a cringe-worthy new life on the social web this morning.
The Family Feud fail seen above is the sort of thing that occurs in the nightmarescape of not only the socially awkward, but basically everyone who has ever lived.
In the clip, a lot is at stake, and the woman participating in the final round is tasked with a big challenge.
The Blaze explains :
“On Tuesday’s Family Feud , the Sass family from Stockton, California, was so close to winning $20,000 that they could practically taste it… After scoring an impressive 182 points during the first part of the speed round, Anna Sass was in a fantastic position to secure the cash. She needed just 18 points and she had five poll questions to do it.”
While the episode aired Tuesday, this epic Family Feud fail was taped in 2013. However, Sass told the Huffington Post that the airing this week reminded her of the upsetting outcome following her final round freeze up:
“It brings back all the emotions, the feeling that I had let my family down… [However], [w]e had a great time and we still laugh about the entire experience.”
Yeah, you and the rest of the internet, lady!
E! explains how the Family Feud fail happened, since game shows are one of the things we all see that appear to be far easier than they are in real life. The entertainment channel says :
“Anna is obviously not stupid—most of her first answers were the No. 1 answers that her father had already guessed—she’s just bad at Family Feud . And Anna knows she did badly. She just didn’t know she did this badly… Anyway, it’s funny watching the family one-eighty from being the happiest they’ve ever been after dad’s turn to wanting to cry on national TV. ‘Deeply in Marriage.’ What a hoot.”
So, here’s how it went. Anna was second, and had to follow up her dad, as explained above. After a bumpy first two guesses, she passes on the third, and is blank again for the third and fourth.
When all is said and done, the scoreboard revealed a disappointing result:
Not only was it all zeroes, there was also one pass, making it less than all zeroes, technically. Poor Anna.
Even Steve Harvey looked like he was going to cry of embarrassment and disappointment:
You can watch Anna Sass’ Family Feud clip, now viral, above.