Organizing for America, an arm of the Obama re-election campaign, has fired its Houston regional field director after a video emerged showing her possibly enabling vote fraud for someone who was actually undercover reporter from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas. The OFA campaign office itself has also been shut down, at least temporarily.
In the undercover video that was posted online, the Obama campaign staffer appears to be facilitating illegal double voting for Obama in the upcoming presidential election on the part of O’Keefe’s undercover reporter. In the conversation, the reporter comments that she doesn’t want to get in trouble by voting in two states, Florida and Texas, in the 2012 presidential election, and the staffer responds among other things that, “Oh my God, this is so funny! It’s cool though.” In a subsequent encounter, the staffer refers to the double voting scheme as “hilarious.”
As the Examiner notes, “Although [the staffer] does not explicitly encourage her to vote twice, she doesn’t discourage her from doing so.”
Channel 2 Houston reports that the Democratic National Committee released this statement about the incident:
“There is obviously a history here of making selective use of taped material, and we will certainly not vouch for the completeness of what was released. However, what we saw was enough for us to take the action that we did.”
According to, “Casting more than one ballot in the same election is a violation of federal and state statutes. Experts said helping someone violate election law is also a crime.”
Watch a report from Houston’s Channel 2 about the firing of the Obama campaign official: