In an attempt to avoid another News of the World incident News Corp. has setup an internal whistleblower hotline. The 24-hour “alertline” is meant to be used by employees who wish to report violations regarding the company’s ethics code.
In a document sent to all employees News Corp. has promised that even if the accusations end up being unfounded those employees will be protected from “retaliation” that could occur from their bosses.
The news of the hotline comes after both UK and US officials launched federal investigations over alleged payments that Murdoch employees made to police officers in order to obtain protected documents.
In the document News Corp. warns employees that bribery, especially against public workers in unacceptable, the document states:
“Gifts and hospitality that may be perfectly acceptable among private parties can be completely forbidden when the other party is a government official.”
No reward information or other benefits appear to be part of the memo which may scare many whistleblowers away for fear that retaliation will occur against them regardless of what a piece of paper states.
Do you feel that the News Corp snitch program can have any real effect on stopping illegal activities at the news agency?