The Apple Watch, released in April of 2015, wasn’t a complete flop. However, it also wasn’t the success Apple had pushed for. The Verge knew Apple was taking a risk when they officially announced the device on March 9, 2015.
“After months of fanfare, Apple finally announced a date for its smartwatch: April 24th. The timepieces are one of the riskiest ventures Apple has made in years, and they’re going to play a big role in either making smartwatches the new smartphones or sending them back to the panels of Dick Tracy.”
The Apple Watch, released in 2015, didn’t become the hit everybody expected it to be. [Photo by Stephen Lam/Getty Images]
The Apple Watch received mixed reviews when it finally arrived in stores one month later. Even though CNET gave the Watch three-and-a-half stars, it was a rating that was lower than any other Apple product during the past year.
“The Apple Watch is the most ambitious, well-constructed smartwatch ever seen, but first-gen shortfalls make it feel more like a fashionable toy than a necessary tool. That may change with a big software update later this year, though.”
CNET didn’t like the fact that the battery only lasts about a day and that the price for most models was more than it should be. The New York Times didn’t like the fact that there was a steep learning curve . However, there have been a lot of people who have liked their Apple Watch and say they can’t leave home without it. A couple months back, Susie Ochs from Macworld listed many reasons why she still wears her Apple Watch every day.
“I used to always use Waze in the car. Now I’m just as likely to pick Apple Maps for directions because I love how it taps my wrist before each turn, so I can turn off the annoying navigation voice that would otherwise interrupt my music and podcasts,” Ochs claimed, adding that the Watch also helps her track workouts, makes it easier for her to dictate reminders, and helps her find her iPhone when it is nearby, but still physically missing because it dropped under the bed or between the bookshelf.”
The Apple Watch still has some fans, even though most are waiting for the 2016 version. [Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images]
Perhaps the new version of the Apple Watch will win over some new fans. Mac Rumors has the news.
“Apple plans to announce new Apple Watch models this fall with improved health tracking and GPS chips…The upcoming Apple Watch 2 will not, however, feature cellular connectivity to make it less dependent on the iPhone, as Apple has not been able to compensate for the extra battery life that a cellular connection consumes.”
The article adds that Apple had been in talks this year with mobile phone carriers to add cellular connectivity to the Apple Watch. However, Apple executives displayed concern that cellular models may not be ready for this year, but maybe next. If Apple was going to include an Apple Watch with cellular capabilities, they wouldn’t be able to release it until December. Still, many of the commenters after the Mac Rumors article are excited.
“GPS would be handy, I can finally leave my iPhone at home when I go out jogging, and use Bluetooth headphones to listen to music/podcasts,” says Sunday Ironfoot.
“Thinking of getting this one. Hopefully the ‘2’ in its name will help it pull an iPad 2 or an iPad Air 2 in terms of longevity,” says Enthusiastic.
The new Apple watch is expected to be announced on September 11, right along with the new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Are you going to get the new Apple Watch? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.