After Donald Trump’s comments yesterday about needing to give permission to have Sen. John McCain’s funeral in the National Cathedral, a church spokesman is pushing back and refuting the president’s claim that he was the gatekeeper for such an event.
The Hill reports that on a trip Wednesday to Ohio, Trump indicated that he received no thank you from the family for allowing the McCain funeral to take place.
“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which as president, I had to approve.”
But a spokesman for the National Cathedral says that Trump’s statement is incorrect, saying that “only a state funeral for a former president involves consultation with government officials.”
“Washington National Cathedral was honored to host the funeral service for Sen. John McCain. All funerals and memorial services at the Cathedral are organized by the family of the deceased.”
So Trump’s insistence that he gave McCain the funeral that he wanted is incorrect, as neither the president, nor anyone in his administration was involved in the planning of the memorial for the Arizona Republican. In fact, John McCain himself, before his death, made it clear that he wanted no involvement from Trump in any facet of his funeral, and didn’t even want him to attend.
National Cathedral contradicts Trump claims on McCain: No funeral requires “approval” by president
— The Hill (@thehill) March 21, 2019
Inside Edition says that John McCain’s daughter, Meghan, made it clear that no member of her family invited any of the Trumps to her father’s funeral, and so she was puzzled as to why Ivanka and Jared Kushner turned up. It is thought that Lindsey Graham conveyed an invitation to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, but Meghan McCain made it clear she wishes they hadn’t come.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of John McCain’s closest friends, has been running defense between Donald Trump and the McCains since before the politician’s death, and last weekend, he stepped up to defend his friend’s memory and military service, says The Inquisitr .
After Trump tweeted a negative message about McCain’s service to his country and disparaged his time at the Naval Academy on the anniversary of his release from the Hanoi Hilton where he was held prisoner for over five years, Graham posted a tribute saying that nobody could take away from McCain’s contribution and legacy. Graham walked a fine line without confronting Trump directly.
“As to @SenJohnMcCain and his devotion to his country: He stepped forward to risk his life for his country, served honorably under difficult circumstances, and was one of the most consequential senators in the history of the body.”