Teen Mom star Nathan Griffith has been struggling to make sense of his reality for the past couple of weeks. Earlier this month, Nathan was caught up in a domestic abuse arrest. Griffith was accused of getting violent with Jenelle Evans and the cops were called. Even though Evans hasn’t explained the situation on Twitter, Nathan has been trying to make sense of it all.
Over the past few days, Nathan Griffith has been vocal on Twitter about his feelings. And it sounds like he doesn’t want to see himself as a victim. While Griffith keeps talking about losing someone, many of his followers call it a gift that he has lost Jenelle Evans in the process. Many feel that she is a bad influence on him.
According to a new tweet, Teen Mom star Nathan Griffith is now slowly starting to speak out about his experiences. Griffith isn’t pointing the finger at Jenelle, but he clearly wants to make sense of the situation by sharing quotes on Twitter. And it sounds like Nathan wants to move forward.
“Just because you lost everything doesn’t mean you can’t rebuild something bigger and better! #faith,” Nathan Griffith revealed this morning on Twitter, hinting that he was using his faith and religious beliefs to move on from his relationship.
Of course, Nathan Griffith has the power to move on now. As he himself mentions, Griffith has been dealt the cards and now he has to figure out how to best play them. And feeling sorry for himself isn’t a choice that Nathan wants to make.
“Games are for cards, boards and sports not for relationships and love!” Nathan Griffith has revealed on Twitter, adding, “Certain people will impact & change your life forever in a positive or negative way! Your reaction will determine how your life will change!”
As for Jenelle Evans , she appears to be moving on from Nathan just fine. With Kaiser in her possession, she is doing well. She recently passed a surprise drug test, and this morning, she posted a picture of herself heading off to the gym. She hasn’t mentioned Nathan at all. According to the Inquisitr , she posted plenty of pictures of new pets shortly after the arrest, hinting that she was finding love by taking care of pets instead.
Nathan hasn’t talked about getting back together with Evans. It is very possible that she won’t take Griffith back. And with Nathan’s child in her care, it seems like Griffith is indeed the victim.
What do you think about Nathan Griffith’s tweets?
[Image via Twitter ]