Parents have been getting even with their kids for years. Remember the dad who shot bullets through his daughter’s laptop? Or the mother who sold her daughter’s Katy Perry concert tickets ? Now we have a new story about one mother that followed her daughter around with a video camera to teach her a very special lesson.
Mother Jeannie Crutchfield of Casper, Wyoming, realized her 14-year-old daughter was skipping class with her friends all week, so she only saw one solution to make sure she would never do this again. It may seem like an extreme measure to some, but others are commending Jeannie for following her daughter to school with a video camera.
According to WPTV , Crutchfield filmed her daughter , Ricki Durant, down the hall, and to her class. To make matters worse or “better,” Crutchfield posted the video on Facebook, where it instantly went viral with over 100,000 views. Her 14-year-old daughter, who’s obviously humiliated, is filmed trying to get away from her mother as she questions the teenager and commentates throughout the whole video.
Ricki’s mother taunts her child. As she tries to shield her embarrassment from the camera, Crutchfield says, “Why am I here Ricki? We’re going to hold hands. We’re going to go to class and sit together. Isn’t that great? Mommy and daughter, yay we’re going to class together! Isn’t that great? Where are you going? You thought it was cute to ditch class with your friends? Now let’s see how cute you think it is to hang out with mom during class, shall we?”
Crutchfield told WPTV about her decision to follow her child around school for a day. “It was spur of the moment. I debated on whether I was going to do it or not.”
To that Ricki replied, “My mother’s crazy.”
In the original footage Crutchfield said, “I told you. I warned you. Make me come to this school because you can’t act right. I warned you, didn’t I? Say ‘Hi Facebook.’”
The issue of public shaming children has been a hot debate with the rise of these shaming rituals going viral. On The View , the ladies were split on this issue. In Michigan, a father had punished his 4-year-old son for hitting girls in class by making him hold up a sign saying “I hit little girls.”
While Goldberg applauded the father saying, “That father took a great step and I’m proud of him.” Rosie Perez said that this lesson didn’t teach the toddler a lesson because he isn’t smart enough yet to register how it is to feel humiliated.
“He’s 4-years-old, it’s a little bit extreme,” said Perez.
Do you think Jeannie Crutchfield was extreme?
[Image via WPTV ]