Megyn Kelly , Fox News host, addressed her controversy with Donald Trump on Monday’s night edition of The Kelly File and said she will not apologize to the Republican frontrunner. This, despite the network’s boss, Roger Ailes’, efforts to tone down the rhetoric.
The feisty anchor didn’t get into anymore controversy, but took the high road, at the beginning of her primetime show, to address Trump’s offensive references to her period, when he said Kelly had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever” on Friday. Megyn Kelly said she will not apologize and will continue to do “good journalism” and ignored what many consider a sexist remark.
The controversy between Megyn Kelly and Donald Trump — who is currently leading polls as the potential Republican Presidential nominee — started during a debate hosted by the network last Thursday. Kelly was one of three anchors selected to pose the questions to the candidates and Trump claimed she was unfair to him.
“Apparently Mr. Trump thought the question was unfair and I was attacking him. I felt he was asked a tough but fair question. We agree to disagree.”
Even though Fox News chief, Roger Ailes, personally called Donald Trump to try to end the Megyn Kelly controversy, she is not backing down. Moreover, Kelly is getting support from conservative and liberal women who say Trump was out of line when he mentioned her bodily functions in such a crude way.
Trump — who is an avid Twitter user — said Ailes contacted him about the Megyn Kelly controversy and promised the network would treat him “fairly” from now on.
Many Fox viewers are upset that Ailes reached out to Trump about the Megyn Kelly controversy. Reports on Tuesday suggest Trump was ready to attack the network further, which Ailes considered to be worrisome, and he decided to patch things up with the outspoken businessman.
In her statement, Megyn Kelly tried to downplay the controversy surrounding her spat with Trump, calling him ” an interesting man who has captured the attention of the electorate.” However, she insisted she will not offer any sort of apology and “certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism.”
Roger Ailes addressed his call to Donald Trump Monday and said the tone was “blunt, but cordial.”
“Donald Trump and I spoke today. We discussed our concerns, and I again expressed my confidence in Megyn Kelly,” describing her as “a brilliant journalist” whom he supports “100 percent,” according to Fox News .
It remains to be seen whether the Megyn Kelly controversy will be put to rest by Donald Trump, who continues to steal the attention from other GOP candidates.
[Photos by Chip Somodevilla, Scott Olson / Getty Images]