Here’s a not so secret truth, I hate, despise, dislike and just plainly can’t stand Rupert Murdoch or any of his cronies, I can’t stand Fox News and there “opinion as fact” news reporting, I can’t stand News of the World and never could even before the company was involved in the scandal that toppled their long history, so it’s with that note that I can finally say I appreciate the most recent move by LulzSec and Anonymous, two hacking groups that I have found annoying and useless until now.
The hacking conglomerates on Monday went after phone hackers Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks for their parts in the company’s recent hacking scandals, while causing trouble for other News Corp. executives.
Lulzsec fired first, publishing a report on Murdoch’s Sun publication in which they heralded the media tycoons death (shown below).
LulzSec and Anonymous then went after arrested executive Rebekah Brooks, sending out her email login and password for the masses to see, while also publishing the phone numbers of various executives.
LulzSec eventually tweeted:
“We are battling with The Sun admins right now – I think they are losing.”
I have a feeling this type of backlash is just started against Rupert and his team of story tellers and while I don’t condone the random hacking of company’s for the sake of taking down or compromising their networks, such as the Sony network login and capture hack, I can’t help but feel a bit of joy in knowing that the despicable actions of News Corp. are being dealt with