In a rare spectacle at a zoo in Dallas, a lion killed a lioness with a crushing and fatal bite to the neck. Visitors and onlookers were stunned as they watched.
Zoo officials are looking into the incident to try and establish what may have caused the lion to kill the lioness as the neck bite appeared to be unprovoked.
The lioness, named Johari, was only 5-years-old, and she reportedly died almost instantaneously after she was bitten. The zoo released a statement following the incident: “This is a very rare and unfortunate occurrence. In my 35 years as a veterinarian in zoos, I’ve never seen this happen,” said Lynn Kramer from the zoo.
The zoo staff responsible for the lions scrambled to evacuate another four lions who were in the enclave for fear the lion might try to kill them. Visitors to the zoo were not sure what was going on and assumed that the lions in the pride were just play fighting.
As you can see from the video below, the lioness was motionless after she was bitten. Both onlookers and zoo workers approached her lifeless body. An eyewitness to the incident, Jim Harvey, said:
“Everyone thought they were playing at first but then they could see that she was struggling.”
The zoo said that Johari, who was nicknamed Jo-Jo, only turned five recently and 100 guests to her birthday party sang “Happy Birthday.”
It remains to be seen what the circumstances were which caused the lion to kill the lioness in the Dallas zoo. Was it just a freak incident or did the lion attack for some other reason.