The rehab center employee who accused actress Lindsay Lohan of assaulting her during her stay in rehab (she is expected to be released in January) has been fired for publicly disclosing information about the incident to gossip blogs, Entertainment Weekly is reporting .
Holland told TMZ that Lohan allegedly returned to the clinic intoxicated and refused a breathalyzer test on December 12th. After becoming belligerent, Lohan is said to have engaged in an altercation with Holland so severe that the former Betty Ford staffer is now on Workers’ Comp.
The statement, posted on the Betty Ford website, confirms that employee Dawn Holland has been terminated specifically for commenting to press about the incident in which Lohan allegedly assaulted her. The statement reads:
“In the three decades since our doors opened to patients October 4, 1982, the Betty Ford Center and its employees have respected the privacy of our patients, all our patients. Ninety-six thousand women and men have come to the Center for addiction treatment over the past 28 years. When patients come to the Center for treatment, they come to a safe place where their identity is protected, where anonymity is safeguarded. Their simple priority when in treatment is to learn how to live a life free of alcohol and other drugs. Confidentiality and trust are key to the treatment and recovery process. Regrettably, on December 21, 2010, one of our employees violated patients’ confidentiality by talking to the media and by disclosing a privileged document. That employee has been terminated by the Betty Ford Center.”
Police are currently investigating the incident.