Keira Knightley is no stranger to the limelight, having appeared in some massive Hollywood blockbusters over the years. That being said, the star revealed to Graham Norton that she often gets mistaken for a whole host of other celebrities.
Of the celebs she gets mistaken for, Natalie Portman is the most common:
“Natalie Portman I get a lot, and I get chased through airports. I feel quite sorry for her because she must get chased a lot because it’s happened like five times where someone’s been like ‘NATALIE, NATALIE, NATALIE.’ And I’ll sign and take a picture as Natalie,” Knightley revealed to Norton on June 13.
As the chat continued, it became apparent that Natalie Portman isn’t the only person for whom Keira Knightley gets mistaken:
“I get Kate Winslet as well,” she shared, “but the one that’s surprising is Britney Spears. I get quite excited because I quite like the idea that I could do like that [mimes shimmying], which I can’t do. So I’ve been Britney Spears like three times.”
Indeed, it must be quite fun to be mistaken for a whole host of stunning celebrities all the time, even if a little annoying. But as long as the ego can take it, which in Keira Knightley’s case it clearly can, then what’s the harm?
The other guest on the Graham Norton Show , the legendary Samuel L. Jackson, also revealed that he has been subject to a case of mistaken identity too.
Back in February, when he was promoting his new Captain America film, he was mistaken for Laurence Fishburne by a reporter in L.A :
“Everybody said I was irate and embarrassed him, but I got a lot of calls from a lot of people in Hollywood who really hate him and said, ‘That was so great! I’ve been every famous black actor in the world,” he shared.
At least Keira Knightley doesn’t get irate, like Jackson, when she is mistaken for other Hollywood icons; it seems she just takes it in her stride, and even kind of enjoys the “compliment.”
It would be great if the rest of Hollywood would take Keira Knighley’s lead and remain cool, calm and collected when faced with the situation of mistaken identity.