When Kate Middleton and Prince William went to Poland and Germany, they were sent there on a Brexit “charm offensive” to help ease the tensions as Great Britain begins negotiations to exit the EU.
The couple did more than charm the locals. They created magic.
Everywhere they went, there were crowds of people who cheered when they saw the couple. They were like rock stars. Many wanted to catch a glimpse of the couple, take a photo with their smartphone, and some even tried to get a hug from Kate.
They compared Duchess Catherine to her late mother-in-law, Princess Diana.
The Telegraph reports that headlines in the German paper Berliner Zeitung declared “Fur die kids ist sie the Prinzessin der Herzen.” meaning “For the kids she is the Princess of the heart .”
On their first day in Berlin, Kate broke royal protocol and tenderly hugged some of the disadvantaged children at the charity StraBenkinder. The German paper declared that it is “reminiscent of the warmth of heart which until now had only been on display from Will’s mother, Diana.” A compliment indeed.
The Daily Mail mentioned how in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Princess Diana consistently broke royal protocol, especially when it came to children. Most importantly, during a time when very little was known about AIDS, Diana did not hesitate to shake her bare hand with patients, purposely eschewing gloves. The Princess of Hearts helped dispel any myths about the disease.
Kate has shown tenderness and compassion towards others by breaking royal protocol. Recently, after the horrific Grenfell Tower fire, William broke protocol by tenderly hugging one of the survivors of the fire, reminding the press of how much he is like his late mother.
It appears that the “soft-power” diplomatic charm offensive appears to have erased any sort of tensions between Britain the two EU countries. Instead, it has created a special warmth because of the charm and humanity that William and Kate have shown the people they’ve encountered. The Cambridges were clearly popular guests.
Although Prince George and Princess Charlotte traveled with the royal couple, they did not participate in many of the functions. Nonetheless, sleepy-eyed Prince George became an instant social media meme, while Princess Charlotte’s short temper tantrum at the end of the trip produced smiles.
As of now, there have not been any additional travel plans for the Cambridges to take their charm offensive to other EU countries. Yet, by all indications, Great Britain will surely want to send the couple on a grand tour of the rest of the EU.
What do you think of Kate Middleton’s new nickname the “Princess of Hearts”?
[Featured Image by Chris Jackson/Pool/Getty Images]